2023-07-31 00:00:00

Is this bizarre space connected??? || Connected vs Path Connected vs Simply Connected

Keep learning at ► Get started for free for 30 days — and the first 200 people get 20% off an annual premium subscription! What exactly does it mean for a space to be connected? In this video we will contrast the notions of connected, path connected and simply connected for a range of topological spaces such as the topologists sine curve, the torus, and the fascinating Alexander's Horned Sphere. 0:00 Topologist's Sine Curve 1:25 Definition of Connected 3:10 Definition of Path Connected 4:06 Topologist's Sine Curve again 7:24 Simple Connected 9:37 Alexander's Horned Sphere 11:55 The animation of Alexander's Horned Sphere was created by Gian Todesco: ...
Тривалість: 00:13:06
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