2020-10-08 04:00:05

Justice Served For Wave Of The Day - Keramas, 5 October 2020

At a lineup as competitive as Keramas, there's a tendency for the pack to push itself a little too deep and out of position, especially when a bigger set pops up. As a result the best wave of the day often isn't caught at the peak or goes unridden completely. Luckily on this day, not only was someone in position, but it was Indonesia pro Bronson Meydi that latched onto it and surfed it perfectly (see the opening scene). It's great to see the East coast start to crank, hopefully we'll see more of the same as we head into the back end of the year. Some of the surfers featured in this video... Bronson Meydi: Blerong: Parker Coffin: Tonyo: ...
Тривалість: 00:03:37
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