2021-07-29 04:00:32

Bomb Wave Sneaks Up On Everyone (Opening Scene) - Keramas

It was a good size at Keramas during this session, but every 30 minutes or so a bigger one would turn up, like the bomb in the opening scene. Even though it was bigger than the rest, the lineup didn't see exactly how big and wide it was until they paddled over the smaller wave in front - at which point most of them hurriedly make for the shoulder. Koby Abberton was out far enough to get into position fortunately, making no mistake and threading one of the bigger waves of the day. Some of the surfers featured... 0:00 Koby Abberton: 0:33 Blerong: 1:37 Bronson Meydi: 2:34 Pepen Hendrik: 3:12 Varun Tandjung: https://www.inst ...
Тривалість: 00:05:19
Переглядів на youtube: 4378570


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