2020-12-26 02:00:12

Soothing anti-stress full body massage. ASMR massage

Soothing anti-stress full body massage. ASMR massage. Massage is a specific effect on human tissues and organs using pressure, rubbing, tapping, kneading, vibration and other mechanical processes. With every, even the lightest touch of an experienced massage therapist, your body feels better, more invigorated, and younger. Massage is one of the very few wellness treatments that is enjoyable and relatively painless. Even the slight pressure and tingling that is felt during the session is perceived differently. The benefits of massage for the body are all-encompassing - it is rest and recovery for the whole body, it is an absolutely harmless effect on the most vulnerable points of the body - and sometimes it can heal more than traditional medicine. Even those without health problems are ...
Тривалість: 00:23:54
Переглядів на youtube: 13046
Автор: Wonder Massage


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