2024-05-19 05:00:30

A Boy with a Dream: Henry Eichler | From Start to Finish

Henry was a late entry to our Contender Championship, but arguably the strongest entry! "As a young boy I always dressed up as a cowboy, and dreamed of being a mountain man, like Jeremiah Johnson. Running around the house with some cap guns pretending to be the Sundance kid. This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity to fulfill that dream, riding in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains! While I didn’t learn to rob trains and banks, I did learn to ride, made everlasting friendships, and learned to appreciate the western lifestyle. This brings me to my nicks boots, which carried me each and every day, without a lick of an issue. The steep price tag was a small investment for what I hope to be a lifetime of enjoyment. My nicks were definitely the punchiest boots around, and wor ...
Тривалість: 00:26:03
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