2019-11-03 00:00:00

Why Flat Earth failed

Dear World, It seems making debunking videos has also made it on my schedule now... I remember the times where the comment section was actually filled with questions or rational discussions at times. Now videos that show the peaks of scientific results often earn hatred. Mostly people are attacking the concept of science in an attempt to feel special. The paradox is that they are attacking exactly the thing that makes us special. Because science is what makes us really different from the other life here on the planet. Knowing about reality gives us the power to modify our environment or create things. Right now you are looking at a computer screen, something that our ancestors could not have dreamed of. We live in a time of abundant information. And exactly that fact makes it diff ...
Duration: 00:08:22
Views on youtube: 116923
The autor: morn1415


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