2018-12-06 00:00:00

The Crew 2 - December Vehicle Drop Trailer | PS4

The December Vehicle Drop for The Crew 2 brings us the Extra Aerobatics 330SC and the FENDER RATTLESNAKE – 1971. The Extra Aerobatics 330SC is an unlimited single-seat competitor. With several victories in many contests all over the world, this true performer will give you the agility and velocity needed to win this race. The FENDER RATTLESNAKE -1971 will hiss before it bites, but bite it will at the first sign of danger. Do not trust its soothing charm, count on its rough angles! Considered yourself warned: this one has it all: the 70’s muscles, the dashing looks and a heck of a temper! Beware of the snake! Season Pass Early Access: December 5, 2018 Available for all players: December 12, 2018 The Crew 2 is available now on PlayStation 4. #TheCrew2 #TheCrew https://www.ubisoft.c ...
Duration: 00:00:40
Views on youtube: 18687
The autor: PlayStation


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