2020-12-19 00:00:00

Tom Cruise Yells At His Crew On MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 7 Set!... Movie News

Catch up on the latest news including Tom Cruise Rant on Mission Impossible 7 Set, The Witcher Season 2, Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon, Justice League: Snyder Cut and Shrek Gets Honored... 0:00 Mission Impossible 7 In addition to his membership in the Scientology cult, Tom Cruise can be accused of many things, but on set, he is always very friendly and professional towards fellow employees. However, there has now been a scandal during the set of „Mission: Impossible 7“. Production has recently started again after the significant increase of difficulties on set due to the pandemic. Cruise threw a loud and lenghty tantrum right after two employees had had a conversation without sticking to the required minimum distance on the London set. He did some frank talking... 01:35 The Wi ...
Duration: 00:05:22
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