2014-01-21 00:00:00

Louis XIII, Le Roi de France dit le Juste. Ballet de la Merlaison

Louis XIII, Le Roi de France dit le Juste Ballet de la Merlaison I. Les Flamands II. Les pages III. Les Lorrains IV. Les picoreurs V. Thomas le boucher VI. Les arbalestriers VII. Les Nobles VIII. Les fermiers IX. Le Roi X. Le printemps XI. Grand ballet Ancient instrumental ensemble of Paris Rogger Cotte, director Vinyl record Disk: Louis XIII Roi de France "Ballet De La Merlaison", Marc-Antoine Charpentier "Messe Pour Plusieurs Instruments Au Lieu Des Orgues" Label: Nonesuch records, 1967 (cat. nr. H-71130) The music and video published in this channel is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing in this channel violates the copyright, please inform me immediately before you submit a claim to Yo ...
Duration: 00:12:53
Views on youtube: 10836


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