2022-05-17 00:00:00

Brian and Charles - Official Trailer (2022) David Earl, Chris Hayward

Check out the trailer for upcoming heartwarming comedy movie, Brian and Charles. The new film follows Brian, a lonely inventor in rural Wales, who spends his days building quirky, contraptions that seldom work. Despite this, Brian attempts his biggest project yet and builds Charles, an artificially intelligent robot who learns English from a dictionary, and has an obsession with cabbages. Here's a tease for the funny, heartwarming story about loneliness, friendship, family, and finding love. Starring David Earl, Chris Hayward, Louise Brealey, James Michie, and Nina Sosanya, Brian and Charles arrives in theaters on June 17, 2022. #IGN #Movies #BrianAndCharles
Duration: 00:02:27
Views on youtube: 26652
The autor: IGN


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