2021-09-22 00:00:00

8 gadgets that make cooking a breeze

You don’t need to be a chef to be handy in the kitchen; you just need the right tools. In this video, we bring you eight super handy kitchen essentials and tools for cooking that will turn you into a kitchen pro in no time. There’s a sushi-making kit, a glass rinser, a cheese cutter, a whisk, a fish skinning tool, a fruit peeler, a rolling ravioli pin, and more. Make no mistake about it, these are no ordinary tools. They are super-efficient specialized tools that do their job well. For instance, the glass rinser can rinse residue in seconds thanks to its powerful water jets, and these water jets can reach hard-to-reach areas with ease allowing them to clean everything from baby bottles to wine glasses. Has this kitchen gear piqued your interest? Do you want to see these tools in a ...
Duration: 00:03:06
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