2020-11-22 00:00:00

Example: Using Green's Theorem to Compute Circulation & Flux // Vector Calculus

This video contains a pair of examples where we compute the Circulation (or Flow) of a vector field around a closed curve, and then again for the Flux. But we don't do it using line integrals, we use Green's Theorem parts I and II respectively to do the computation. This let's us compute a double integral over a region of either the circulation density (aka curl) or flux density (aka divergence) respectively. In the case of a square which is relatively easy to compute the double integral for, this is a significant advantage. Check out the previous videos in the vector calculus playlist for the geometric motivation of Green's Theorem. 0:00 Green's Theorem 1:28 Circulation Example 3:49 TYPO! Should substract partial M wrt y, not x. 4:00 Example continued 5:50 Flux Example MY VECTOR C ...
Duration: 00:08:36
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