2023-11-25 08:00:33

How Money Has Become Marvel's Greatest Villain

It's been rough going at Marvel Studios lately. The Marvels has landed with a thud. There's also that recent Variety report showing how much of a dumpster fire Marvel movies are at the moment. Now, we have the rumored Fantastic Four casting news about Pedro Pascal becoming Reed Richards in the MCU. While Pedro Pascal is an excellent actor, having done great turns in The Last of Us, Game of Thrones, and his Star Wars show, The Mandalorian (there are even some great Pedro Pascal SNL moments), he might be too famous for the Fantastic Four. MCU actors generally started in their roles as C+/B- actors, and their Marvel Movies catapulted them to stardom. Recently, it seems Marvel has just been throwing money at their problems, and their willingness to spend lavish amounts of money to make sur ...
Duration: 00:18:03
Views on youtube: 46822
The autor: IGN


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