2023-12-31 06:50:01

My New NASA Minicomputer!

A couple of months back, a very kind gentleman by the name of Godfrey reached out and asked if I wanted to take a crack at restoring an old minicomputer he had. After seeing the pictures, I was 100% on-board, because not only is this Data 620 a brilliant, transistorized machine, it also happens to have come from NASA. Being built in 1965 or 1966, it was used at NASA right through the entirety of the Apollo program, so it’s entirely possible this big, blue, beautiful beast actually contributed to sending people to the moon! You can find the brochure here: If you want to support the channel please hop over to Patreon: Also, we now have some epic sh ...
Duration: 00:33:29
Views on youtube: 49506


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