2023-12-25 13:19:16

4K | Stretching and Gymnastics at Home | Chebyjane | Merry Christmas 🎁

4K | Stretching and Gymnastics at Home | Chebyjane | Merry Christmas 🎁 I'm practicing English and you can help me with it🙂 I'm here talking to you in English😉 00:00 Intro 00:16 Lumbar flexion 02:02 Stretching the pelvic muscles in twine 02:52 Bending with raised leg. Three Legged Down Dog 04:50 Bridge Pose 05:57 Inner Thighs Stretching 06:50 Cat-Cow Pose 07:43 Standing Split 08:23 Finishing the Workout
Duration: 00:08:42
Views on youtube: 27267


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