2022-11-27 01:15:00

Cutr little kitten Adventure - cartoon for little kids boys and girls Little Cat #649

CUTE LITTLE KITTEN ADVENTURE - FUNNY KITTY & FRIENDS ADVENTUROUS JOURNEY CARTOON VIDEO FOR KIDS A primary school teacher that uses the app with her class said "The animation and gameplay are wonderful and our users fell in love with Little Kitten!" "Little Kitten & Friends is a great way for children to interact with a series of fun and educational games. Once the application has been used regularly parents can leave their children unsupported." "This certainly could be used in schools" Yay, Little Kitten is back and so excited about going to primary school! Our app „Little Kitten Preschool“ helps preparing children aged between 4 and 7 for their school start. Training perception, coordination and cognitive abilities - with Little Kitten this is a lot of fun! LITTLE KITTEN'S ADVENTU ...
Duration: 00:20:26
Views on youtube: 203639


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