2024-01-16 17:00:07

She Knows #AmericanHustle #BradleyCooper #JenniferLawrence

A night on the town with some surprise guests. Watch American Hustle Now: Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) dabbles in forgery and loan-sharking, but when he falls for fellow grifter Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams), things change in a big way. Caught red-handed by FBI agent Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper), Irv and Sydney are forced to work undercover as part of DiMaso's sting operation to nail a New Jersey mayor (Jeremy Renner). Meanwhile, Irv's jealous wife (Jennifer Lawrence) may be the one to bring everyone's world crashing down. Based on the 1970s Abscam case. #AmericanHustle #BradleyCooper #ChristianBale #JenniferLawrence
Duration: 00:00:57
Views on youtube: 2547
The autor: Scene City


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