2021-09-22 09:00:30

Drive: Opening Car Chase (MOVIE SCENE)

In the opening scene of the film, the Driver (Ryan Gosling) gets behind the wheel to help two robbers get away from a job at a warehouse. #Drive #RyanGosling #CareyMulligan Watch the full movie! Ryan Gosling stars as a Hollywood stunt driver for movies by day and moonlights as a wheelman for criminals by night. Though a loner by nature, “Driver” can’t help falling in love with his beautiful neighbor Irene (Carey Mulligan), a young mother dragged into a dangerous underworld by the return of her ex-convict husband. After a heist goes wrong, Driver finds himself driving defense for the girl he loves, tailgated by a syndicate of deadly serious criminals (Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman). Soon he realizes the gangsters ...
Duration: 00:05:55
Views on youtube: 239008
The autor: Scene City


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