2024-03-23 08:19:30

Two girls in German Pantyhose

Hey loves, it's me again! Today was such an adventure, and I can't wait to share it with you all. I got to spend my day with my new model friend, Erika. She's an absolute gem, and we clicked right away. It's not every day you meet someone who just gets your vibe, you know? We decided to do something fun and a bit different for my channel - a pantyhose challenge. Yes, you heard that right! We're diving into the world of fancy tights, comparing brands like Wolford and CDR, and just having a blast while at it. Erika was all in for the challenge, and her excitement was contagious. We started by showcasing our outfits. I was in my go-to black dress from Guess, which I adore for its chic yet simple elegance, paired with some classic black heels and, of course, the star of the show - a pair ...
Duration: 00:08:59
Views on youtube: 397927
The autor: Layla Fashion


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