2024-04-23 14:41:21

GTA 5 Actors Reveal Cancelled Story DLC Plot Details - IGN Daily Fix

In today's Daily Fix: The main voice actors for Grand Theft Auto 5 have confirmed what we all hoped was true: there was story DLC planned for the game. According to the voices of Trevor, Michael, and Franklin, work had begun on the expansion and some of the dialogue was even recorded, but it was scrapped when GTA Online blew up, becoming a huge cash cow for Rockstar. In other news, the modding team behind Fallout London is a little annoyed with Bethesda. When news dropped that Fallout 4 was getting an official current-gen update, it put the team behind Fallout London in a tough spot. The much-hyped mod may run into compatibility issues with the new update, possibly making it unplayable, and the mod team would've at least loved a heads' up from Bethesda that the update was on the way. A ...
Duration: 00:05:17
Views on youtube: 24888
The autor: IGN


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