2024-04-21 06:21:44

VCF East 2024 + Museum Tour + PDP8 Fun!

VCF East 2024 + Museum Tour! One event I’m always looking forward to is VCF East. Not just because it’s a stellar congregation of amazing people, but because there also happens to be one heck of a museum on campus as well. Let’s take a walk through the event, look at some of my favorite exhibits, and then hang out in the museum, and maybe even get hands on with one of their machines. I had an absolute blast hanging out and learned a ton! Can’t wait until next year! For more information on the museum, check out this link: If you want to support the channel please hop over to Patreon: Also, we now have some epic shirts for sale! Come join us on Discord! Discord: htt ...
Duration: 00:26:49
Views on youtube: 27728


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