2016-08-03 00:00:00

Kids vocabulary - Musical Instruments - Orchestra instruments - English educational video for kids Kids vocabulary - Musical Instruments - orchestra instrument - Learn English for kids - English educational video This "Kids Vocabulary" category has been grouped thematically. We hope you enjoy studying with our channel videos. Have fun and subscribe to our channel. Then, you can find some more various English educational animation videos. ★ Subscribe us on YouTube: -- Title: Musical Instruments -- Ladies and gentlemen! Let me introduce our orchestra! conduct conductor He is a conductor. violin violinist She is a violinist. viola violist He is a violist. cello cellist She is a cellist. contrabass contrabassist He is a contrabassist. flute flutist She is a flutist. clarinet clarinetist She is a cl ...
Duration: 00:05:08
Views on youtube: 1373643


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