2019-04-25 00:00:00

Zero to Hero Pentesting: Episode 6 - Enumeration (Kioptrix & Hack The Box)

Zero to Hero: 0:00 - Welcomes 3:13 - Discussing the lesson plan, Kioptrix, and Hack the Box 9:50 - Using netdiscover to find Kioptrix 12:58 - Scanning with Nessus 15:10 - Scanning with Nmap 17:00 - Reviewing what's found so far 21:00 - Reviewing Nmap scan 25:15 - Enumerating port 80/443 1:10:00 - Enumerating port 139 1:22:05 - Enumerating a random HTB machine (OneTwoSeven) 1:41:40 - Giving away a Bash Bunny! 1:47:16 - User request to review "" tool Q&A / AMA 1:52:22 - Do you run Windows as a main OS? 1:53:35 - Lego Bugattis 1:54:00 - How old are you, brah? 1:54:36 - How can I solve HTB and other CTFs? 1:55:43 - What sort of work did you do day to day on help desk? 1:57:25 - SANS Holiday Hack challenges 1:57:44 - Do you find Maltego useful? 1:58:09 - How do I learn web app? 1 ...
Продолжительность: 02:48:33
Просмотров на youtube: 17257


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