2019-05-02 00:00:00

Zero to Hero Pentesting: Episode 7 - Exploitation, Shells, and Some Credential Stuffing

Zero to Hero: 0:00 - Welcome 2:43 - Lesson overview & staying humble 8:20 - Reverse shells vs bind shells 11:05 - Staged vs non-stage payloads 12:20 - Brief bind shell demonstration with netcat 15:30 - Reviewing scans from last week 17:30 - Exploiting mod_ssl 2.8.4 w/ OpenLuck manually 27:38 - Exploiting Samba 2.2.1a w/ trans2open Metasploit 37:50 - Reviewing some of our report findings 39:45 - Scanning, enumerating, and exploiting Hack The Box's Lame 1:01:00 - Credential stuffing & password spraying overview 1:13:05 - Running breach-parse against 1:14:05 - Using Burp Suite to perform credential stuffing & password spraying Q&A / AMA 1:28:53 - Boxers or briefs? 1:29:00 - What are you drinking? 1:29:42 - Are web pentest skills and network pentest skills interchangeable? 1:30: ...
Продолжительность: 02:47:49
Просмотров на youtube: 11026


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