2019-07-16 00:00:00

Weird Pictures by Apollo Astronauts that still exist!

Today 50 years ago a rocket had liftoff carrying 3 people of the human species to step on another celestial object for the first time. This journey, and the following ones, have been documented in a vast number of images. In the following decades the best ones have been selected and placed in books and other media. They made it an adventure that seems as strange to us as a fairy tale, like many things in history. But these were real people in real situations. And real people are not perfect. When they took pictures, they did not turn out as intended sometimes. Today we have the delete button. It enables us to select the reality we want. We are the ones that live in a fairy tale of social media. But what happened to the “bad” Images of the Apollo astronauts? They are still around, as t ...
Продолжительность: 00:11:11
Просмотров на youtube: 50871
Автор: morn1415


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