2019-06-22 00:00:00

These men walked on another world!

“We’ve been to the moon nine times. If we faked it, why did we fake it nine times?” - Charlie Duke It is sad that mankind tends to forget the moments in history when we really achieved something that was an achievement for all mankind. These people that went to the Moon were no superheroes, they were just some of us. (Even a conspiracy theorist among them on a funny note). But when they looked down and mankind looked up, we did this all together. And all the quarrel we had faded away. It was healthy. I think if mankind wants to continue existing and not fade away we have to get humans out there. Who´s next? morn1415 Social Media: Outro Music: "Bush We ...
Продолжительность: 00:05:52
Просмотров на youtube: 6201
Автор: morn1415


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