2019-08-01 00:00:00

Deadpool 2 Without The CGI! VFX Breakdown (DNEG)

Get some cool drag & drop VFX here! ► ◄ Completing 655 VFX shots and 23 sequences, visual effects company Double Negative certainly did take the lion’s share of the VFX work in Deadpool 2. For the parachute sequence, just before the X-Force members become X-X-Force members, DNEG put together plates and aerial shots, using a mix of CG doubles for far away scenes and real actors for close up shots. One of which being Actor Brad Pitt’s on-screen cameo. A lot of the downtown street chase was filmed on a soundstage for obvious and safety and road closure headache reasons. But it did mean that more practical stunts could be done and there was less need for digital doubles. That said, CGI was still used in places. Like, for example, when Cable jumps out o ...
Продолжительность: 00:06:19
Просмотров на youtube: 2971459
Автор: Fame Focus


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