2019-05-24 00:00:00

Amazing Before & After Hollywood VFX: Life

Get some cool drag & drop VFX here! ? ? In their efforts to recreate the ISS in the utmost detail, Evans and a team of artists in India began with a basic model of the station. From there, the model was split into individual assets. At that point, Evans and his team waited to see where director Daniel Espinosa would point his camera before focusing their effort into the most prominently featured parts of the model. One of the tricky things they had to deal with was how clean the actual ISS is in real life. Looking at reference photography, it all looked quite CG – the normal trick to break this up would be to add layers of dirt to the object but they wanted to try their best to stay true to real life so they erred away from dirt where they could a ...
Продолжительность: 00:05:21
Просмотров на youtube: 134346
Автор: Fame Focus


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