2020-10-28 07:00:11

ASMR. 50 minutes - Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi Nui. Relaxing massage

ASMR. 50 minutes Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi Nui. Relaxing massage Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi on the beach, massage near the sea, relaxing massage. Soothing massage. ASMR massage. Massage to the sound of the sea, the sound of waves. Review of Hawaiian massage performance by Lomi Lomi Nui. ASMR massage, relaxing massage with elements of lymphatic drainage. A full massage usually lasts 2-2.5 hours. The video was filmed as an example of a relaxing massage performed using the techniques of Hawaiian massage by Lomi Lomi Nui. The video aims to reveal the beauty of this massage, as well as to show certain movements and to reveal the techniques of this massage, to show possible combinations of different movements, as well as to show the aesthetic component of such types of massage. The video ...
Продолжительность: 00:52:15
Просмотров на youtube: 24156
Автор: Wonder Massage


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