2024-04-18 16:20:43

Zack Snyder Might Have More Rebel Moon Sequels Planned - IGN The Fix: Entertainment

With Rebel Moon: The Scargiver on the horizon, what is the likelihood that we’ll receive #RebelMoon sequels from Zack Snyder? Speaking to Radio Times, the director spoke on how many more installments he has planned for the Rebel Moon franchise. But of course Zack Snyder might be speaking too soon on delivering more Rebel Moon, as there’s no confirmation from Netflix that there’s plans for more in the franchise. And given the lukewarm critical and fan reception, it’s likely up in the air as to whether or not we’ll receive a Rebel Moon Part 3 or 4 or 5. The first part has yet to even break into Netflix’s Top 10 original movie list, which means viewers just ain’t viewing the movie. And the majority of those that have viewed it REVIEWED it rather harshly. #Netflix came out-the-gate hyping ...
Продолжительность: 00:05:31
Просмотров на youtube: 12928
Автор: IGN


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