2024-05-08 06:00:31

Super Stretchy VFX in One Piece Live Action Series!

Today we take you behind the scenes of the stunning visual effects that brought the beloved manga and anime series to life. Learn how iconic scenes like Luffy's stretchy attacks, Zoro's swordsmanship, and the Straw Hat Pirates' dynamic adventures were meticulously crafted by talented VFX artists. Discover the secrets behind the seamless integration of live-action and CGI, the intricate digital environments, and the creative techniques used to capture the fantastical world of the Grand Line. Whether you're a dedicated fan or just curious about how modern filmmaking magic works, this deep dive will give you a newfound appreciation for the artistry and innovation that transformed One Piece into a spectacular live-action adventure! #vfxbreakdowns Get some cool drag & drop VFX here! ► ...
Продолжительность: 00:05:59
Просмотров на youtube: 8488
Автор: Fame Focus


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