2024-05-14 04:00:31

Booba - Museum Day - Cartoon for kids

Booba plush toy 👉 Booba - Museum Day - Cartoon for kids *Subscribe and watch new episodes* ▶ 🛒 Welcome to the Booba merchandise store! ► ℹ️ It’s good to know that the original name of that small brownie is pronounced by small kids as #booba, #boba, #буба, #bobby, #bobba, #bupa, #боба, #buba, #баба, #bobaa, #بوبا, #bubba, #baba, #duba, #boombah and even #ﺏﻮﺑﺍ. *Who is Booba?* Booba is cute and inquisitive, like a five-year-old kid. He explores the world without anger or resentment, only with joy, and wonder. He doesn't talk, although he does make sounds to express his emotions. Nobody knows where he came from, but he has obviously missed the last 100 years of human progress and explores modern locatio ...
Продолжительность: 01:31:07
Просмотров на youtube: 40460


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